
Imagine a five-year-old girl with black knuckles, black elbows and sun burn on her face. That is the case of a little girl I saw in church yesterday. Hello LHers!!! How was your weekend? Mine was fine, tho brief. 
I walked into church on Sunday and saw a lady wearing dark shades, the type blind people wear. Frankly speaking, I thought she was blind. She came with her three kids, two boys and a girl. I guess they should be 7, 5 and 3 respectively. I looked at those kids and became sad, really sad because I was concerned about the present skin condition and the future of their skin. my God! those kids look liked ghosts (sorry to say), they looked so innocent, pale with bright eyes. I kept pondering what their mom was thinking by bleaching their skin, then I said to myself “maybe she’s blind and can’t see the effect of the cream she’s applying on her kids” but she proved me wrong when she called her daughter and gave her some sweets. I turned to look at her very well and what I saw made me understand that are kids are the way they are because she uses her body cream for them. You guys need to see this lady’s feet SMH. Do you think those kids will forgive their mum for damaging their skin when they are old enough? She didn’t even seek their consent before changing their complexion, who knows, maybe they would have preferred being dark or chocolate skinned.  
Sometimes I wonder if people know the implication of bleaching, maybe they do but chose to ignore. I remember two years ago, my secondary school friend decided to “be beautiful.” I was so scared for her because I know the implication of bleaching. I sent her a message asking her why she has decided to spoil her beautiful skin and she said “I want to be like you guys.” She said “remember how guys were always asking you guys out in secondary school and no one bothered to look at me? Well, I want to lighten my skin so that I will be attractive too.” I shook my head and told her this “Babe you’re beautiful the way you are.” I didn’t allow her be, I kept on bothering her. Whenever she changes her dp on bbm, I would be like “Michael Jackson sister What’s up?” She would send me lol and say, babe you will not kill me o but guess what? She stopped using the rubbish cream her sis mixed for her to become light. She’s back to her complexion. She’s just one of the few that listened and stopped bleaching.
Bleaching damages the skin. It causes skin cancer, dark grey spot on the skin, swelling of the skin, severe birth defects, neurological and kidney damage due to high level of mercury used in the creams. We should be proud of our skin irrespective of the colour. Bleaching should never be an option, bleaching will NEVER make you beautiful, it can only make you attractive for a short period before the side effects set in. Throw that bleaching cream away today.

31 thoughts on “SKIN BLEACHING

    • **deep relief sigh** The energy it takes to actually type those 3-lettered word, y’all will never understand…I literally scream FTC whenever I hit ‘Post comment’…..Okay! let’s talk skin bleaching….You see, I have a husband that is from another world!…That guy monitors my complexion like a ‘monitoring spirit’…I mean, When we got together, he noticed the uneven skin tone (then again, I just came from a acute poverty and wretchedness…lol) So he took me to a dermatologist who recommended some plant -extract products for 6 months to renew, repair and rehydrate my skin cells (and they fucking worked!!!!)….and then after that he recommended a brand Clarins…..I have been using that product for a lil over 3 years and I am still me….I mean, I thought I was gonna be that ‘black chick who became that white chick’….Phew!….I love my skin EXACTLY the way it is….and I am not light-skinned (Mofaya says it is when I am light-skinned that I will become a fully-functioning Ogbanje…Grrr!)

      Now lemme say this, I got absolutely NOTHING against anyone who intends to bleach his or her skin….I mean, it is not my body so what do I care?….actually scratch that…..The ONLY time I care is when its someone close to me who’s got a bleached up skin…now, that! I can’t deal with….cuz it irritates me……..nonetheless, bleach away…you could even bleach your dog for all I care…**light bulb** I should actually bleach Pipi my dog…lol


      • Hehehehehehehe, please don’t bleach Pipi o. Thing is, i care too much for people close to me so i’m always worried. Besides, people with bleached up skin irritate me so i try to talk them out to it to save my eyes from the awful sight.


  1. annie says:

    Hmmm,I’m nt a fan of bleaching…I remember some yrs ago,there was dis woman dat used 2 sell yams close 2 my church,I dnt knw wat she did 2 her skin bt she looked like a ghost! I was so scared of her and I wondered hw people bought yams 4rm her,I also thought of her husband,hw he coped with seeing her around him… Mehnnn,she looked red,she had black circles around her eyes,her skin was so irritating dat anytime I looked at her,I felt like throwing up. Some yrs ago,I met dis woman at a Cousin’s wedding and she was actually incharge of dishing out food 2 guests,I took a long time deciding wether 2 eat d food or not, bt at d end,I covered my food with d BLOOD of JESUS and ate!!


  2. annie says:

    Hmmm,I’m nt a fan of bleaching…I remember some yrs ago,there was dis woman dat used 2 sell yams close 2 my church,I dnt knw wat she did 2 her skin bt she looked like a ghost! I was so scared of her and I wondered hw people bought yams 4rm her,I also thought of her husband,hw he coped with seeing her around him… Mehnnn,she looked red,she had black circles around her eyes,her skin was so irritating dat anytime I looked at her,I felt like throwing up. Some yrs later,I met dis woman at a Cousin’s wedding and she was actually incharge of dishing out food 2 guests,I took a long time deciding wether 2 eat d food or not, bt at d end,I covered my food with d BLOOD of JESUS and ate!!


    • Lol @”I covered my food with the blood of Jesus.” You must have been freaken hungry to have collected food from her, i will lose appetite just looking at her.


  3. Lol @ covered the food with the blood of Jesus. I’m dark skinned and my mum is light skinned, I can’t tell you how many times people have told me my mum is prettier (which she is, even in her fifties) and how come I’m dark and ugly? I totally understand why some people decide to lighten their skin and like your friend, their reasons are tied to their self exteem. Unfortunately I’ve seen too many people with the harmful effects of skin bleaching for me to allow anyone close to me to do that. I think I’ll also write a post on bleaching soon.
    Beautiful post Lily of life.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You killed it bae. Only if they know the ingredients DT makes up a bleaching cream and its side effect. They would run without looking back. I don’t visit a dermatologist but then I’m very choosy with my creams and I watch out for hydroquinoine . I bought a cream worth 3k without checking g ingredients before I bought it, had used it fr 2weeks when I saw it, my dear! I had to throw away DT cream because I couldn’t deal with the side effect. I love my colour but then bn a light skinned girl ain’t cheap, id wish to b chocolate in my next world.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. NB says:

    Light skinned girls tanning, dark skinned girls bleaching. Omo mehn, the female beauty hustle is real.

    A man’s point of view: just about 4 years ago, I was attracted to only light skinned girls but since then I’ve only dated dark skinned girls. After fancying only light skinned girls my entire life my taste suddenly changed and since then I’ve only dated dark skinned girls. That doesn’t mean I won’t wake up tomorrow and suddenly start chasing light skinned girls again. My point is, your skin tone ultimately doesn’t matter. If you have the right qualities, a man will simply overlook the time of your skin. Go and ask all the light skinned girls who seem to get all the attention how many of those boys hovering around them are looking for something serious. Bright things will always attract more attention but in the end all that glitters is not gold and we men know that.

    Imagine bleaching to get one guys attention and he suddenly decides he’s no longer into light skin. Oya go and tan your bleached skin na.


  6. Skin-lightening/toning/bleaching is a problem, but it’s only a sign of much deeper inter-related issues: Will those issues go away after you have bleached your skin? i doubt!
    Once your skin pigmentation is altered, it’s no longer original. Lol…..
    Love your skin, love who you are!


  7. Olaitan says:

    Hahaha i know that part where lily said she wishes she was chocolate skinned. She comes to me and she goes Babe i wish i was dark like you and m like 😨 girls are out there dying to have your colour . Anyways i am dark skinned, some pple call me black which i dont Give a hoot about. It is me and my beautiful skin dat matters. Loads of my friends are light skinned. They try passing the bleaching msg to me and i go naaah! You knw one of the things dat makes me different from you is my skin color. i love it and even get worried when pple say i look lighter. My point is Your skin color is you. Embrace it! Nurture it! And love it.welldone Lily.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It should be a great concern for governments everywhere, this epidemic of skin bleaching. It diminishes people’s self worth over time. Love yourself the way you are, I can’t emphasize that enough.

    Liked by 1 person

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